woo!this week has been a roller coaster...i've experienced euphoria and depression all at once...woo!but oh well...euphoria stays!woo!got bk most of the prelim results...er...i dunno wat to say...mayb i expected it?ha...i suck man...here's my results:
eng -- compo-23 speech-18 oral-33 (waiting 4 compre)
chi -- b3
e math -- b3
a math -- dropped
physics -- b4
chem -- f9!tok kong ma?ha...i dian di lei...
geog -- a1
combine humans -- dunno...still waiting 4 papers...better nt fail or i die...
yup...thats about it...woo...fu chang fu sui...woo!ha...so ya anyways...today went mac study with kim..doreen...hui xin...den after i do fin the stupid henderson paper...i started to play hai dai quan..cai quan n chee go pa with doreen n kim...haha...i win like siao...ha...den kim still challenge the stupid lemonade in the end she drink 2/3 of it..haha...
so ya...tt about sums up my day...haha...n now i'm going to move on to another topic -
friendshiphow do u define friendship?how many levels of friendship r there?
well 4 starters there's
aqquintance(is this how u spell it?),those r the people whom u say hi and bye to when u pass by each other...maybe pass a word or two but that's all...u no nuts bout their life n vice versa..
fair weathered friends..these r the pp who'll stay when there's sumthing to benifit ffrm u n leave when u're nth..so ya..u get the picture...
den there's
gd friends..these r the pp whom u hang out with in sch and sumtimes in private..u guys can click and feel comfortable in each others company...share crushes and joke about each other...many pp fall into this group...esp if there's a huge gang of peeps...
finally there's the
besties...now this group of pp are the special ones..they share a strong common bond and u'll feel as if they've been there your whole life...u no each other's deepest darkest secrets and fear and no each others flaws yet accept and embrace them...u hang out with them most of the time and feel that they should stay in your life 4eva...like friends forever stuff....u stick to each other through thick n thin and no they'll b there 4 u when u nid them and u confide in them...
so ya..i think i'm pretty blessed to have so many friends around mi..mostly in the gd n bestie grp...in the gd grp i catergorize
kim,shi hua,li wen,ying wen,ivy,deborah,shone,ming liang,borne,jessi,billy,xiu yue,nana,kat,mun ning n yu ying...juz wanna thank u guys 4 being there..u guys have added colours to my life =)
in the besties itz
doreen,sana,seow ling,hui xin n mel..u guys...i'm juz speechless..these r the people that i wan to b with 10,20 yrs down the road...i wish to see them going out with mi over the yrs...even through the years...i wan them to be dere on my wedding day..wan dem to be my bridesmaid n best man..u know...stuff like tt..i no flaws may appear now and then but i'm sure it all can be solved..and after it all..we'll become stronger..
i guess all i wanna say is thank u...u guys rock...and i believe in second chances and all problems can be solved if we try...so..we shld all solve our probs n nt avoid them...well..i guess in the process of everyday life..i'll hurt sum pp without even knowing it and i wanna say i'm sorry and i really din mean it..and i juz wanna let tt person no tt u mean the world to me and i'm really sorry 4 all the hurt i've caused..you're nt losing mi n i really mean it...i juz wanna bury all sadness n anger...you'll always be my bestie..i'm so sorry darling... forgive me k?really so sorry..i'm really nt gd with words n stuff so i hope u understand..i love u n u no tt...i juz hope this will b all over soon..hai...mayb is i think too much?but my six sense is nvr wrong...hai..