hellos everybody. i am officially 18. whahahahahaha! see you in clubs nick. haha. today's entry shall all be on my birthday. whahahaha! all in order! mainly pictures! long long post people! =DD
FISH & CO WITH SEOW LING, SUSANNA, HUI XIN, KATHLEEN, SHANG YI.we went to fish & co on the 29th of april and watched TMNT after that. haha. and it was a combined birthday celebration for me, sl and kat. the cake was seriously the BIGGEST cake i've ever seen my entire life. SERIOUSLY.

BIG BIG cake from coffee bean.

sana made this herself. =DD

kat, me, sl.

we barely managed to finish those two sides of the star. haha. the rest was sent to sl's fridge. haha.
MODESTO WITH KELDA, SARAH, YI SONG, CHARLENE, DERRICK, GERALDINE, NICHOLAS & HUI MEI.we went to modesto exactly on my birthday because indo chine was full. and we went at 9 plus 10 because i only finish school at 9. haha. drank GRAVEYARD. note to the weak hearted, please do not try unless you are a super duper good drinker. the drink lives up to its name. ha. and i fell down in school. knn. must be stupid V faces.

check out my new knee.

this was how hard they tried to light the candle and keep the flames going. haha.

me and nick.

"drunk". haha.

geri and me.

i like my side view. it makes me look slim. haha.

group shot! =DD

geri, hui mei, me.

yi song and me.

nicholas guan.

geri's talk to the hand.

derrick, yun heng.


hui mei.



yi song.
SIZZLER WITH DOREEN, JESSICA, OSBORNE, MING LIANG AND TI SHONE.met up with the gang on the 16th of may after a very very long time. ha. 1st time after jessi's birthday that ALL of us are together again. and these jian jian people ah, gave me some board with "the gang" written on it, flip over and it's a chinese chess board and say it is my birthday present. then i ok lo. a bit han suan. but ok. haha. then after we went to sizzler and sao guang their salad bar, esp the chix in the soup, haha, these jian jian people took out a set of chinese chess with their faces on it. haha! DAMN JIAN. omg. hahah. but the present is SUPER DUPER UBER COOL can? haha. stillllll...WHY NO MY FACE?! hahaha. so their present for me was a full chinese chess set with their faces. haha.

the gang.

chess box.


this is what the chess piece looks like. ml wrote those words himself. power!




ming liang. he looks the moon man lidat. haha!

the gang's "child". haha.

the chess set. =DD

the gang. =))

attempt 1.

attempt 2.

finally, successful attempt. haha.

we are the best! haha!

start of qi lian pai. haha. BAT MAN!! shot 1.

shot 2.

shot 3.

shot 4.

shot 5.

shot 6.

shot 7. notice jessi's face. haha.
click images to enlarge.
thanks you guys many manys for all 3 days! =DD me lubb you all v v much. =DD
thanks to sana, sl, hx, kat & sy for the meal, the cake, the card and the day! =D
thanks to the hokkien pai + yun heng & nick for the day, drink, cake, brownie, cake and present! =D
thanks to the gang for the day, the board and the chess set. =D
i enjoyed myself v v much on all 3 days! me lubb you all many many! *muackx* =DDDD <333333