this is the post where all the weird people/things in the world are exposed.
CASE STUDY 1: an ah beng lies on the floor near the MRT and a bunch of his ah lian, ah beng friends are around him. suddenly, the mata come! DENG DENG DENG!

the ah beng being interrogated by the bunch of mata.

his ah lian ah beng friends.

the matas lingering around after they left.
actually if you come to think of it, the matas seriously have NOTHING to do. they stoop to catching a boy lying on the floor. in a GROUP. oh my tian. tsk tsk.
CASE STUDY 2: an auntie using an AXN machine.

notice her bottom?

hello auntie? so totally UNGLAM pls! what the hell were you thinking kiap-ing that trolley IN-BETWEEN YOUR LEGS UNDER YOUR DRESS??!! omg pls!
CASE STUDY 3: an uncle in the train taking up 2 to 3 seats all to himself!

notice the 2 seats he's taking up. can't see?

THERE. slouch some more. look at his big fat tummy.

3 seats taken up!
notice his change of positions in the previous 2 photos? pattern many many know! omg. this 1 is really totally shameless. really. no shame. see already also disgusted. his house. he think is his house. look at his face. see already will wanna slap. totally gross pls!
CASE STUDY 4: i posted this before but i shall post it again. sleeping guy on MRT.

notice his feet?

a picture says a thousand words.
GAWD. people nowadays don't know their limits you know. SERIOUSLY.
now we shall move on from people to things.
CASE STUDY 5: fish in sakura.

AHHHHHHHH!!!! the fish looks SOOOOO painful can???

ewwwwwwwwwwwww. totally gross pls! poor fishy. you died an honourable death. you filled a person's tummy before you died.
CASE STUDY 6: a strip advertisement.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! good photoshop skills.
CASE STUDY 7: a secret society thing i saw in the museum.

damn funny pls. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. try doing it!
CASE STUDY 8: menstruating 20kg jack russell.

what else is there to say? just look at her. she can't even put her paw down on the bed because her body is too fat. i swear she is going to die of a heart attack soon. her underwear is a plus too.
now for some normal pictures.

waffles from gelare. yum yum.

say hello to mr swensens.

meet his friend, miss mos.