hello world! did you know what is boxing day for? it is for unboxing your presents you received on christmas. okay, totally random. moving on.
I AM SCREWED WORLD. SCREWED. i HAVE NOT done any of my projects. but i have all the time in the world to watch finish earl, dou niu and er zhuo ju. did i mention i started on supernatural today? ya, that's what i said. SCREWED.
nvm, sad things aside, i went out with sana and hx today! =) and i was late. hehe. SORRY LA HUI XIN! I TREAT YOU EAT AIR LA. NOT FAT! ha! and met up with kai beng and alvin for A while. ha. beng beng bluff me say got present but in actual fact he left it at home. good. very good. ha. so ya. then i went to watch i am legend with sana at ANG MO KIO HUB PEOPLE! ha! I OPENED MY HOLE TODAY! hehehehe! like finally! and i wear until damn lok kok pls! stupid girl still bluff me say amk people all oso lok kok! oh! and amk hub has SUPER pretty christmas decos! =DDDD
anyway, there's this REALLY old vcd shop in tpy central and while sitting in KFC, we started noticing the shop and marvel at its wonders so ya. we went to walk there.

cheap lei superman. original kind summor. 3 for $5.

HAHAHA! cool sia. teletubies lei. but surprisingly, they are more ex than superman. $9.90 k? dun laugh.

say hello to beng beng.

and yes, look at what we're wearing.

here's me with my red polo, black FBTs n flip flops. lok kok to the max pls!

and look at what the amk people are wearing! WHERE GOT LOK KOK?! shooooo many people summor. make me no image at all.

hello amk hub! look at all the pretty decos! and you should be seeing lights BUT! SUSANNA SHEE SHI MIN say watch movie 1st then take picture! and you see what happen?! NO MORE LIGHTS! sigh, sana. SIGH!

hello i am legend! good movie! not your typical zombie movie. great story, great directing. heavy point is NO GORE AT ALL. if not i would totally flip in the theater. and i bet it was a SUPER easy film to make. cox they literally had NO cast at all. may cept for will smith and 2 or 3 more extras. but THAT'S ALL. cox every one is dead. ha! so the credits damn sad! ha!
below are a few movies i wanna watch! =D

jim carrey and steve carell lei! sure super funny! summor it's a cartoon! =D

handsome boy! =DDDDDD

johnny depp! =D and i watch EVERY tim burton movie. even though this 1 is gory. =S

hello cute cartoon! =D

hello cute cartoon no.2! jack black lei!

and NO! this is not a show i want to watch but i took it because it's funny! HAHAHA! rambo lei! ha!

oh and while waiting for sana to come out of the toilet in tpy, this kid from swensens, came out and puke like suddenly at the toilet enterence la! then me and hx was there so we had to decide whether to go into the toilet or get out like in 1 sec! ha! then we ran in. which was really clever. cox we were stuck in after that cox the boy left a trail of puke ALL the way from the enterence to the toilet. eat la eat! eat summor swensens! puke until you die! SO MUCH PUKE LO! i swear! suayness to the max! we had to hold our breaths and run out in single file after that! ha! i dunno why but i just took out my camera and snapped. i mean, we're stuck what. so might as well document it down. ha! they scolded me for that. =(

puking in process.


scene of crime!
and you know, me being me, i cannot stand it when i see something disturbing. so i take their pictures.

hello miss! there's something call strapless bra! summor if you wear until nice nice still nvm. wear until SOOOOO obscene. BEST. nice try on the matching pink bra strap though. i know it's blur but it's her boob area after all. and i DON'T wanna take her face and waste my time photoshopping it away. so ya. STRAPLESS BRA PEOPLE!

there's a reason why we have TAILORS in the world people. seriously? what is up with guys and their OBVIOUSLY TOO long jeans. PLEASE! hello! you are ALREADY stepping on your jeans! i hope you are happy with yourself. seriously. even if you never hear of tailors, you should at least hear of FOLDING before right? and NOT fold OUTSIDE but INSIDE. sheesh! guys! *rolls eyes*

a picture says a thousand words. say no to tight fits pls!