hello world.. firstly, i would like to welcome ming liang back into civilization. welcome you welcome you. had fun these past 3 weeks eh? the coming field camp sounds SO exciting. HAHA! poor thing needs to book in by 8pm sunday. sad sad sad. good luck man. haha. remember what we discussed about your underwear.
tv on thursday was okay. tian mu was my guest. thanks SOOO much for helping out. i know you're having some personal problems now and you have to rush down from work so you weren't really in the mood but you still came. THANKS! without you we really can hug together die already. thank you so much! =D
anyway, call me song but seriously. i have NEVER seen someone so skillful with the knife before. i know he's a chef and all but STILLLL! like wth. if only i could cut
and cook like him. omg. i no need to da bao outside food anymore. every time i eat my own food i cooked i also happy. you should have seen everyone's faces when he touched the knife. everybody was like WHA la! woo! so skill so skill! i am SOOO impressed! woo!

tian mu and aini. note yi song at the side. he was the first one to rush there and ate the dish up. GREEDY SHIT!

this is the zai dish he created. tuna mango salsa japanese style or something like that la.

the black black thing on top is CAVIAR wor! and YI SONG THAT PIG ATE IT ALL! shameless! i don't care. i'm going to eat it on tuesday! humph! NO MORE FOR YOU YI SONG! ha! i'm going to ask tian mu to secretly prepare 1 HOT 1 JUST FOR ME! whahahahah!
anyway, went to celebrate char's birthday at fisherman's wharf today. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY YOU ALL CHEAT MY FEELINGS?! i want cheap and nice food. not cheap and kns food. belly good. you all bluff me. is not nice at all. i am going back to my fish n co next time. worse thing is don't have my favourite mussels summor. BOO! ha. photos and video will be up once char send me!
han did another 1 of her situations again! ha!
*preparing cake for char. i am passing the candles to han so she can poke it in.
*passes the big candle, she pokes it in.
*passes the small one.
at first i thought it was the colour. so i changed the colour and passed her another small one.
*she refused it AGAIN!
han: pass me the big ones 1st!
me: *looks at her, stunned* but there's only ONE big 1 what!
han: *looks up in shock* OH!
*both of us burst out laughing
me: say hello to my blog again man.

i saw this DAMN cute baby on the bus! =D kidnap kidnap!

look who i saw when i looked out of the window of the bus! like OMG! seriously! it's been SOOO long since i've seen mr singh and he still looks as anal as ever. and i have a question. singhs ride bike no need helmet one meh? their turban SOOO thick meh? so unfair! if let me find out that he must wear helmet, 1st one to call mata to catch him is me! oh ho ho! retribution for catching me and making me staying for detention so many times in secondary school. humph!

see how irritating kelda is? i am so sad. why do i have such friends? SIGHHHH!!!
and to end this post. let me show you the cleverness of my bf. he always say some nonsensical nonsense just for his sentences to rhyme.
1. die like a fly
2. laughing like a muffin
3. kidding like a pudding
4. handy dandy like mandy and sally
5. roflcopter
i totally have NO idea what no 5 means but he uses it because he's lame. i swear i am so clever beside him. HAHA!
and he's abusive! he punched me in the face while taking the bus! haha! okay la. not exactly punch. the bus suddenly stop and he never hold anything so he fly behind then his hand hit my face. kns. ha! but nvm. revenge is sweet because i see him fry from one end of the bus to another. haha!
ok la ok la. you know i lub euu la! hahah! =)