hello world! i am officially the ONLY intern left in my department. belly good. sigh sigh sigh! i want my lunch buddy! =(

yan qi on her last day. =(

danny came back to drink with the guys so we took an intern photo.
brilliant photography by luke. ha.
after work went to some soka youth concert where ben was playing with his band. the concert was VERY mediocore. ben's band was the first group.

ben's cute friend in red.

guy in green: "i am a emo little kid. i think i'll just sit here and sulk." *sulk*

check out this totally weird looking uncle. came fully prepared with DSLR and snacks no! tsk tsk. *clap**clap*

no say i always take the 3 guitarist. see i give the drummer zai lone shot lo.
next was, get this -
brave people. who the fuck in the right mind would name their band
brave people? omg. please give me a minute while i faint. but they however, do live up to their name. the lead singer, circled in red, is totally gila. like seriously.

he was spasming and flicking his hair all the way. i wonder if he has freaking dandruff. the whole band was not in sync but i particularly had problems with the lead. HIS SINGING SUCKS. wth is up with that fake accent? he was off key, not clear, kei kianging the whole way to sing the high notes, i guess his throat must hurt damn badly, AND, using falsetto
the whole way. no wonder he was SO soft even though he was shouting. TSK! bring down the whole band! *TEH!!!!!!!! (buzzer sound)*
next up was bandits.

wha, hear their band name like sibeh wu seh lidat ah. but then again, *teh!!* it's ALWAYS the lead. this time, the lead is a true blue pretty thing with no substance. no, scratch that. she's a not-so-pretty-thing with no substance which makes it SO much worse. i totally cannot stand people who must look at the lyrics while singing. proves that they never practice at all. and there she was, happily singing with the lyrics on the stand summor. so fucking obvious. if you wanna look at lyrics, at least be discreet woman! TSK! PLUS! she was also off key, using her falsetto, voice totally cannot make it and was holding the mike the wrong way all the time.


worse thing was she was prancing around, for fuck i dunno, while the guitarist was singing. TSK! attention seeker! BOO!
next is orange combs. the only decent band out of the 3.

they are seriously not bad.

but too bad! they look at lyrics also! boo!

next is my godsister's wedding! spanning for 2 days.. 1st time i go church wedding! so exciting!

the kit kat door gift is so cute right? *beams*

after the church wedding went to ben's house to practice the wedding song for the wedding lunch the next day.

hmm... what can he be SO serious about?

deng deng deng! shameless! haha!

see? why can't you be like your mummy? so arty farty. haha.

wedding lunch at conrad! SUPER yummy! *beams*

see! conrad is so cute!

i saw a cluster of bear at a corner and they looked absolutely adorable! they look like they were gossiping at one corner! so cuteeee!!!! =D

bubbles. =)

this mirror makes me look slim. hehehehehe. =)

i know i said i won't upload your photos but only this time k? cause you have been a GREAT bf who accompanied me both times and be my guitarist on such a short notice. sorry for all the stress! i love you many many! =DDDDDDDDDD
random photos time!

WHAHAHAHAHA! my 如来神掌 is so de powderful. WHAHAHAHAHAH! *evil laughter*

criminal looking guy on bus.

check out my brother's cool hair! woo!

hi. that's me in white. cute. i know. WHAHAHAHAHA!