highlow everybody! highlow! love is for all of EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo! so anywayssssssss! let us get along with this post cox it is way over due and there are a few post waiting in line to be published. today's post is kinda random so hehe! =D
from the wedding.

shit man. nobody told me i looked fat in that dress.
so touched. *sob**sob*
my family without my sister.

godsister and me. =)
doc cheng's at raffles hotel with charlene for lunch.

action babi table.
nan for starters.
char's appetisers. from far left, jumbo prawn with foie gras, tuna and scallop with caviar and crab cake.

mine is essentially the same cept for the chicken dumpling. and the food was ABSOLUTE YUM! kim! must eat!

gone with the wind!

TSK TSK! this woman
WASTED her caviar and fed it to the table! *deng deng deng*

her being happy with food.

my sea bass.

her steak.

dessert - mango sago.

mine is
love - tiramisu.

this is me, being happy with my tiramisu.

and this is still me, having an orgasm while eating my tiramisu.

yum yum!

in conclusion, food at doc cheng's was 5/5. service was 3/5 cox it was SUPER slow! but it is loved. =)
went for a walk at robinsons after work with ben.
I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THE TEDDY BEAR NECKLACE! oh santa, i've been a good girl this year. please grant me the pretty pretty multi-coloured crystal teddy necklace that cost $48.70 even after sale reduction! i would have taken a picture as a reference for you santa. but alas, i is a hum ji girl who cannot take a photo of it so openly if not i'll get caught.

SUPER pretty candle chandelier!

super pretty swarovski crystal necklace that cost lesser than the teddy necklace.
i was deciding between white or black.

in the end i bought white. HEHE!

me in office wear. what a rare sight.
it's time for our regular random photos time.

FUCKING-FIVE MINUTES?! are these people insane?! i want to complain! even though it is not my bus and technically is none of my business cox i don't even know where 700A goes.
wtf is this? wtf is this?! the sauce spill until like that already still dare to serve it to me?! SHAMELESS! of cox i complained.
and while we are on the topic of complaining, i recently wrote a complain letter to raffles hotel for a VERY mundane thing BUT! as raffles hotel, they should've known better. below is the NONG NONG letter i wrote.
I am a concerned member of the public who went to raffles hotel yesterday and what i encountered yesterday really shocked me. As I was on a very tight schedule and it was raining, I decided to get a cab from your taxi stand at North Bridge Road around 2.30pm.There were 2 other people waiting for cabs there and as I watched on, each time a taxi arrives, your doorman who was in charge at that time DID NOT open the door for the passengers coming out of the taxi or for passengers going into the taxi, neither did he bother to close the door of the taxi each time a passenger boards.
Another encounter with that doorman yesterday was that my friend was running an errand and was carrying a very huge bag so she had difficulties with opening the taxi door. The doorman (i didn't get his name but he was bald) OBVIOUSLY saw that she was in distress and YET acted oblivious to it and DID NOT open the door for her!This is totally outrageous! Isn't part of the job of the doorman opening and closing of doors of taxis for passengers? Furthermore, this particular doorman was having a black face THE WHOLE TIME. maybe he was having a bad day, but i do strongly believe that your personal life should not be mixed with your working life and i am SURE that raffles hotel believes in it too. A little smile for the customers wouldn't kill him would it? I'm sure raffles told their employees to be gracious and smile at customers no matter what.
Also, I found out that most of the time doorman only open and close doors for foreigners? I am utterly suprised at this. so does that mean that locals are more "lowly" than foreigners and thus can open and close the door by ourselves? and foreigners are so high up that we have they cannot touch anything at all and thus cannot open and close the doors by themselves? I am utterly disgusted by this, no matter what nationality we are, there shouldn't be a discrimination amongst your doorman as it is his job to open and close doors for everybody.This greatly upsets me as raffles is a FIVE star hotel, and to think that the doorman of a FIVE STAR HOTEL cannot open the door for passengers getting in and out of the taxis? or just offer a smile to customers? This just cannot do. It is simply too outrageous for me to even begin with and i really hope the hotel does something about this.
I am not saying that the hotel does not offer good services. As a matter of fact, I've had many pleasant encounters with raffles hotel and her stuff. They were always polite and happy to serve. Most importantly, they smile. In fact, all the doormen i have encountered at raffles hotel was very professional and nice except for that one unpleasant enounter yesterday so thank you for your great service so far.I do sincerely hope that the hotel will look into this matter and make improvements. The many forums and my blog would not be a place where raffles hotel would want to see her bad news in. Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Carolyn Ong | National Marketing Division
Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts
alas, i got the number of stars raffles hotel is wrong. they are NO STARS. cox they are a LUXURY hotel or rather SEVEN FREAKING STARS hotel and this type of behaviour from one of their staff will simply not do. tsk tsk! *shakes finger* you should know better! and i even wrote it using office email cox the sign off will be from the freaking MINISTRY! and yes, it is big fuck. so i win. and yes, they apologized like they're supposed to and blah blah.
overall, if you ask me what i gained out of it, i will tell you, i gained SONG-NESS. yes. that is what i gained. i feel fucking song after scolding them and i secretly think i have a fetish to complaining. i feel very song giving people a piece of my mind if they do things wrongly. yes, i'm a sadist. good for me. *beams innocently*
and if you ask me, i think i should get at least a freaking voucher or something. hmmm. maybe i should complain again... *trails off*