15 may
chapman university singapore.




pictures : one
brushes : one two
pattern: one
designer : sweet_surrender
others : blogger blogskins

busy like a bee.
Monday, June 30, 2008

hello world. i have not been updating regularly cox contrary to popular belief, i have work to do here at work. and i have been swamped by it therefore leaving me no time to blog. however, good news is i am done with it and can go back to watching my shows and blogging peacefully.

like i usually do, i have A LOT of things to blog about just no time to blog. so it'll come as a flood of posts again. but this time, i will blog all at once but make sure that i schedule it to 1 blog post per day. wonderful thing that blogger has so i dun have to overwhelm you with my many post. cool huh? haha.

so ya, this shall be all for today but i would like to leave you with an interesting fact. today i shitted a star shaped poo. it looked totally freaky and cool at the same time. i dunno how to describe it be somehow they formed a star in the toilet bowl. haha. i would love to take a photo of it but:

1) i didn't bring my phone to the toilet with me and,
2) you guys will be totally grossed out by it even though i REALLY wanna share with you guys how awesome my poo looks.

but it's ok. maybe next time. next time, i'll make my kids look and marvel at my poo. MUHAHAHAHAHAH! i am such an evil person. i no.

danced on the moon at 4:08 pm.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

so i am this disposable huh?

danced on the moon at 11:51 am.

matthew gray gubler.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

hello world. while waiting for my incredibly slow show to load (i'm watching bones now btw, after psych.), i was surfing the net and read matthew gray gubler's website. it's kinda like a blog to him and yes, i will say once again that i am totally in love with him. his personality is just so witty and humorous! i swear! if you read his web page, you will totally fall in love with him! he's just so nonsensical and funny! =D

and did i mention talented and arty? he's a sketch artist and director. he sold 12 copies of his art in an art gallery, which is basically ALL the art he gave them to sell! shit man. you guys should totally check out his web page.

AND! this the killer mtv he directed. it's called "don't shoot me santa". it is totally AWESOME.

isn't the mtv nice and not to mention, funny? like wtf funny? hahaha. omg i think i'm obsessed. which i think is totally justifiable given that he seems totally nice, funny and talented in his web page.

gube gube. wth does that even mean? haha. so cute right?

scratch that. this is even cuter. isn't it cute how goofy his smile is? and the caption? haha!

oh. and did i mention that i love his personality?

danced on the moon at 4:08 pm.

let bygones be bygones.

kelda asked us to watch this really old school mtv which she thought was haunted, -_- , and from there i linked to this mtv. this, like i said, is a really old school song too and the mtv is damn funny. i heart this song cause the lyrics of this song is damn sweet. it really brings back old memories.

ah, the melancholy.

sorry for all the hurt i've caused you.
i sincerely hope you are doing alright pursuing your dream.

danced on the moon at 10:05 am.

to ben.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

hello pig. i know i have been very angsty, emotional and bad tempered for the whole of yesterday. making you run here run there and put up with my unreasonable nonsense. i know i've been a bad person and i'm sorry. sorry for making life so difficult for you yesterday. i know you could've killed me but you didn't. haha. thanks for always putting up with my nonsense no matter how unreasonable they are and for always being so patient and understanding with me.

thanks baby. you know i love you.



danced on the moon at 2:15 pm.

another complain.

and yes. i am at it again. i just sent another complain letter to chong pang nasi lemak because of ben.


I am a very concerned member of the public, particularly to the hygiene standards of your food.
I recently went down to your stall on the 7th of June, Saturday night, thinking that i could get a hearty meal due to your stall's famous reputation. I was actually really looking forward to eating there.

However, after i ordered and wanted too start eating my dish, a LIVE COCKROACH was found in the you tiao i ordered. Immediately disgusted, i went to the counter for an exchange of dish. But to my surprise, not only was your employee at the counter nonchalant about it, he also CHARGED ME EXTRA for the change of dish. By charging me, are you trying to tell me that it is MY fault that i have a LIVE cockroach in my dish and i should pay for it cause it is a SPECIAL ingredient? The whole time i was there, there was no apology what so ever given to me and yet you all still charge me for your clearly POOR hygiene level?! I am utterly disappointed in your standard of hygiene and customer service. Your staff was clearly non apologetic, thinking that it's a norm. Well, FYI, IT'S NOT! Given your stall's reputation, one would expect better.

I am sure that this is a unique case to your stall given it's reputation. However, because of your reputation, unique cases SHOULD NOT even be happening. Please DO take action to your staff and your hygiene level. I have many witnesses to the incident and would have taken a photo for evidence if not for my low batt hand-phone. As you know, word of mouth is a very powerful thing. It can make you famous or infamous in a blink of an eye, so i highly suggest that you take this matter seriously and give me a satisfactory reply.

Also, I think you should know that i have already given NEA a call lodging a complain against your stall and i am sure they are taking the necessary actions and i do sincerely hope for your own benefit that you do the same too. Please do know that if nothing is being done about your staff or your hygiene level, this matter will not just stop at this email or at NEA. I'm sure that members of the public would want to know about this through the many forums and my blog. So as to stop this matter from escalating further. Please look into this matter and take the necessary actions. Thank you.

Carolyn Ong National Marketing Division
Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts

and yes. i purposely use work email to email them cox it will sign off as the ministry. yes. i am big fuck. kthnxbai.

danced on the moon at 12:33 pm.

science center adventure.

hello world! went to the science center on saturday after 346892350639284 million years. i have absolutely nada impression of the science center since my last visit was during primary school excursion. so going on saturday was like going in for the 1st time again. haha.

anyway, did you know the science center is fucking huge? like zomgwtf huge? i thought 1 plus hour will be enough for the whole science center cox it will be so boring. but no! the science center is actually fucking fun la! like SERIOUS. and it's so freaking huge! one hour is only enough for one section out of 84392479820 other sections lo! like wth can? omg. i MUST go there again to explore the whole science center. SO FUN LA!

please pretty please, will you bring me go there again? *pouts*

obviously this is not my hand.

ohh..the perks of working at MICA. i want to go to the old ford factory and zoo! please isz, please!

spot the guy.

i'm in a box with no opening what so ever.

which is actually this. haha.

thy have a whole series of this kind of illusions.

and they have another series of this kind of paintings which are all the right side up no matter which side! so cool right? talented artist lo. =D

i particularly like this piece very much cause although it's quite scary, it's very intense. if you know what i mean. haha.

RAH! head for dinner anyone?

albert einstein says hi. haha.

normal margaret thatcher.

scary margaret thatcher with her mouth and eyes turned upside down. i believe the word the science center used was "grotesque". haha.

i dunno what is this but it's so chio.

omni-theatre. i know no photography allowed but... you think i care? haha. we watched dinosaurs alive and grand canyon: river at risk. personally, i think the dinosaurs is better even though i heart grand canyon. haha. many grand canyon photos below! haha!

las vegas night scene. haha.

science center + you = love =)

ok. enough about science center. i have something to confess. I AM OVER SPENDING! I NEED TO STOP SHOPPING! the thing about my cash flow is it's going on a downwards spiral! like zomgwtf? shit man! i've been shopping so much, my money is depleting! ben! must stop me! haha. omg i'm gonna go broke soon. where got money to buy macbook?! RAHHHHH!!! some body kill me please! haha.

speaking of which, i just send my laptop to the laptop doctors yesterday. i think i have no hope in getting a new battery. UPSET! =( haha. but of which they gave me a replacement macbook. which i am totally having fun with with its photo booth and front row. hehe. totally cool pls! haha.

random photos time. =)

don't you just heart this? haha.

i completed solitaire on my brother's ipod.

damn funny pls! so cute la! haha.

danced on the moon at 12:29 pm.

Monday, June 16, 2008

i'm just feeling fucking UPSET right now. my stomach sucks, my phone sucks, my day sucks and every other fucking day is gonna suck as well. knnbccb. i wish the whole world would explode right now!



danced on the moon at 12:12 pm.

PC show.
Friday, June 13, 2008

hello world! i just came back from my lunch break cause i went for the PC show at suntec. then after the PC show i went for some branded goods sale which is also at suntec. haha.

i'm very happy with myself though. i got a 2GB thumb-drive for $18 and a aeropostale overall for $10. what a steal! i'm absolutely happy with my buys. =D

the only upsetting thing is i saw the macbook at the PC show and though it cost only $1688, i don't have the money to buy it. =( i really want it damn badly! =( sigh sigh sigh!

and please don't say i shameless pl0x. i left at 1 something ok? haha. and if you think i'm shameless, get this - the auntie gang JUST LEFT for the PC show. like JUST. and it's not even lunch break! it's working hours! haha! and the heavy point is BIG BOSS is IN HER OFFICE today, which you have to walk pass to go in and out. sat a not? i think so. and you wonder why i am so shameless. haha. one mountain still got one mountain higher. i still have so much more to learn from them. haha.

lastly, i saw winnie heng at the PC show as a sony girl. seriously? her legs are fugly and her english absolutely sucked. so if i were a customer, i'd rather she not open her mouth to talk or i would seriously just walk away and not buy nuts. some guy was asking her whether the camera was heavy a not and she cleverly replied :

"no. i carry for one whole day already."

which at first i really didn't understand except for the no part cause she was mumbling away to herself and her pronunciation simply sucked. it wasn't until the guy repeated what she said that i got it. and seriously? everything is wrong with that sentence grammatically. i hate flower vases. SERIOUSLY. which in this case, is a fugly flower vase.

danced on the moon at 3:57 pm.

everything random.

ahhhhh.... my first official post with this new blogskin. feels good. hahaha! so anyway, changed my cbox to black to match my skin. not bad huh? woo! haha.

anyway, moving on, today's post is just for clearing all the random photos i have in my phone to make space for new random photos. haha. so yes, it is all about randomness today.

random photo from raffles hotel's D&D. see how cool they're dressed? twist summor wors! woo! someone should give them a prize. haha!

most yummy meji chocolate sticks. =D

guess what? there's one whole range of hello kitty cosmetics! like wtf? and the perfume actually smells decent.

girl who had a bee hive for hair on bus. sorry the shots are not clear cause they were taken by a LOUSY samsung hp camera. thank you very much. =)

the bus had a tree growing on its rooftop. haha! seriously.

yes, obviously customers can sit at any table. not tables.

a note taken at the MICA toilet. there are SOOOOO many freaking mistakes, i don't even know where to start. kudos to the ministry for their perfect english!

and just right under the sign, is this. the real life example of the picture in the note where you can perfectly see a freaking used sanitary pad sticking out of the bin to say hi. awesome. just awesome. wonderfully ironic. told you! kudos to the ministry!

danced on the moon at 11:10 am.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


say hello to my new blog! =)

i have FINALLY zhnged finish my blog to how i want it and is satisfied with it. i spent my whole morning doing html, i'm having a headache. and i did a really stupid thing while html-ing which i shall not say. =(

i have managed to combine both blogs together and give it my own touch. i am SO freaking proud of myself so thank you very much. i know you think i am amazing too. woo!

shall change the cbox later. i can't remember my username nor password. =/

see kim? i can do it! just that i will need a while longer only ma. haha! and i listened to you and made my font bigger. so nice of me right? i know you love me! =D what do you think of my design of the blog? good? haha. will write a post for you soon! when i gather all my information! can't wait till the next time we chat online! i miss you so much! nobody eat durian with me during durian season! =( come back soon! loves! =)

danced on the moon at 2:34 pm.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

when i say go, i never meant away.
you ought to know, the freaky games we play.

danced on the moon at 11:26 pm.

change for the better

a wise person once told me change is for the better so now, i am changing. i'm changing my blog skin. help me decide between:


i like the photos for the first one but i like the format and font of the second one! alamak! dilemma!

danced on the moon at 9:06 pm.

a day in the office...

in a typical day in the office, i went to...

france for the eiffel tower,

take a roller coaster ride,

enjoy the sunset at an island,

the yosimite fall in california,

swim with the fishes under the sea,

walked the moon without a space suit,

shared afternoon tea with god amongst clouds,

and lastly, be a happy goober in my polka dots world.

HAHAHAHA! so cool right? i took all the photos in this post with one of the auntie's macbook. and now, my backside is itching to buy a brand new macbook just for the camera and the leopard OS. but the snow leopard is coming out soon. should i wait for it? dilemma!

and now for more pictures taken using the macbook. please close this window if you don't like to see me cam whore. thank you very much.

normal shot.

4 consecutive shots.

4 consecutive shots with enlarge effect.

i look so absolutely charming don't i?

fish eye effect.

light tunnel effect.

mirror effect - i look totally freaky. haha. my boobs look as if they are from the different poles of the earth.

look ma! i have a siamese twin.

twirl effect - i am a alien from outer space and i'm gonna eat you up!

pinch effect - so this is how i look with 樱桃小嘴. haha!

i'm a freaking martian and i'm gonna catch you to my UFO.

i look like a cartoon character.

bloat effect - now i'm really ball face.

x ray effect - oh dear, what black teeth i have!

comic book effect.

hmmm... so this is how i will look if i'm in a comic book.

glow effect - so i look like crap when i have glowing skin.

gray scale effect.

sepia effect.

and my favourite effect of all cox you can't see my flaws and therefore many cam whore photos - THE POP ART EFFECT.


oh dear. this marks the end of this post. today's flooding of post will stop here. i have more random photos coming up soon so stay tuned!

danced on the moon at 5:22 pm.