i have recently made a very interesting discovery. and i must first of all clarify that whatever i say in this post is PURELY my opinion and nothing else. because i so do not want to end up with a lawsuit like how xiaxue is like now with dawn yang. but oh wells, that's another matter altogether. but SO EXCITING! haha!
and yes, as i was saying, i made a interesting discovery. i discovered that the newly revamped blog of winnie heng is eeriely similar to that of xiaxue's. first and foremost, they all wanna revamp their blogs as seen below.

and you know what the interesting fact is? it's that they both asked their readers to do a new blogskin for them and send it to their mail box and then
if they get selected, they'll link the designer to their blogs.
and the thing is, i can totally understand if xiaxue is doing that as she is like some super hot shot blogger with a huge name under her belt which therefore would actually
mean something to have a link on her blog.
and not to mention that she did this first.
but winnie heng? like WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! a link from
her blog? please note that i am saying this with disgust. DELUDED! i doubt is even in the top
1000 bloggers of the world, needless to say 100. like PUH-LEASE! look in the mirror before making such comments as if they're worth millions! and to think she even claims to be a blogger. all she does is blog about
herself, how
she looks, what
she did that day and fill her blog with tons of pictures of
her and
only her. NOTHING intellectual on her blog AT ALL. all the bimbotic stuff that you get to see on every typical ah lian blog. seriously. she's not even freaking funny. if it wasn't for her slutty look, i doubt people would even bother to stop and even take a peek at her. that girl has
mosquito bites cushioned with maximizers for boobs. TSK. but who am i to judge? cause miss oh-i'm-so-beautiful-i'll-make-you-puke-and-i-sing-like-a-chicken has many guy fans who just simply wanna get in between her legs whereas yours sincerely here has zilch right?
nvm, moving on...

let's make a comparison with the blogskins.
angel iconification -
checkedsuperly pink blog -
checkedsitting with legs crossed -
checkedlean back seating -
checkedcursive words -
checkeddotted boarders -
checkedtimes new roman font -
checkedhmmm... really makes me wonder why their blogs look so similiar. I'm not saying that she's copying xiaxue's blog cause OBVIOUSLY her blog doesn't show any awards or intellectually funny post/adverts. also, i doubt we can see such HORRID colour combination of blogskin and scrollbar on xiaxue's blog. but oh wells, what do i know? i'm just a mass comm student who happen to study web design right?after all that is said, i can definately go meaner but i shall decide not to becase:
1) after saying all that, i guilty confess that i
do read winnie heng's blog for entertainment. entertainment to mock at her during tea time with friends of course.
2) i am not a damn hot shot blogger also and therefore should just keep my opinions to myself and of course my friends. spread the disgust right?
3) like i mentioned before, i don't want a lawsuit flying my way. and btw, just so you know, you can only sue me for libel and not slander cause there's a difference yo? but although i should say that my sister is finishing NUS law soon.
and so, i conclude that whatever i say is really just purely my opinion and will not hold responsible for any emotional scarring of anybody's fragile soul nor for the agreement of what i just blogged about. thank you very much.
p.s. just to make myself clear, i personally know winnie heng and believe me, there's less than meets the eye. i am WAY too level headed to be a jealous blogger. *rolls eyes* but then again, what is there to be jealous of? the fugly looks? the air head? the scrawny body? the horrigible voice? or the nada substance blog? hmmm...
moving on! this is a photo just for kim!

oyster omelette extra crispy please! aren't i SUCH a nice friend? =D