i don't know if my status now would be categorised under busy cox i'm not working any more and neither do i plan to just yet. most of the time i just either play my DS lite or watch my shows. so no, i don't think i am very busy and therefore has came up with the conclusion that i am just plain lazy to blog.
i have to confess that i have thoughts of shutting this blog down but after seeing so many encouraging messages about my blog and my friends need it to know what the hell is going on in my life, i have decided not to but is still too damn lazy to update.
i am constantly taking photos for my blog and i tell myself that i will but in the end i will get distracted by some other stuff and not blog for a long long time and my photos from a million years ago will accumulate. le sigh! what the hell is wrong with me?!
nonetheless, i will constantly
try to update and blog until all my photos are in the clear.
so in my desperate attempt to race with time, here's a recount of the church outing which happened early last month. went to matthew's house for a gathering in which his dog went totally bonkers upon seeing me in a bad kind of way cox it kept barking. i seriously wanted to hit it over the head with the saucepan. never have i had a dog be so mean to me. ass. ha. but anyhow, we all went to *yum yum* thai express for dinner at thomson plaza.

ala carte dinner. NEVER buy this steamboat thing. it's DAMN small and damn cut throat.

like i said. just look at their expressions and you know.

but the soup is still damn yummy! look at them gorge!

cute but disgusting tasting dessert. the cuteness is just a decoy for us to eat them and kena con!
random photos time!

beancurt i say?
dehydrated mango. that's actually very funny. haha.

you'll never drunk alone alright.

i just thought that this ad is damn cute. i like the little men. haha.

ahhh... a love that was never meant to be.

my nose is very sensitive to dust and so i DO NOT like to pack my stuff cause even the littlest of it will send me into a sneezing fit which will then result running/block nose. and so when i packed my shoe cabinet the other day, i used my eye mask to be a mask substitute as i do not have masks at home. i am so innovative right? i know! tsk. it hurts to be so smart sometimes.

ben's friend here says he looks like thomas ong when he was young. self-proclaimed in fact. i almost laughed myself to death. HA!

i took this in a cab on my way to the airport to pick kim up. i was trying to capture the tower within the confines of the taxi but alas! i
totally forgot i had my flash on and i panicked and moved which explains the photo. but i think it turned out quite well no? haha. i think i scared the uncle...

cute watsons plaster. did you know they came in snoopy?

sibeh cute. haha.

if i played the guitar, i would
so totally buy that caravan guitar. haha!

ahhhhhhhh... *cue heavenly music*

i left out this photo on my science center entry. haha!

bacon wrapped asparagus coated with honey from ajisen IMM. SUPER YUMMY PLOX!

hi lesbian partner. =)