wha. look at the time now and i am already in school. such a hard working little girl aren't i? oh ho ho!
this is why i hate 8am lessons, they make me wake up SUPER early to hitch a ride with my daddy, then make me reach school this fucking early! like wtf?! SIAN!!!!!!
i set out today to do tvjourn in school this morning but since i'm still feeling sleepy and procrastinating (i spent my whole day ytd doing nothing when i could've done tvjourn), i will blog. good right? then got update on my blog. KUAKUA!
i seriously have no idea when this was taken. i only know it was an outing and we went to watch a movie. haha.

dumb and dumber. haha!
this was taken during our picnic at vivo! =D

ya ya. laugh finish already a not? so tak glam lo all my photos! they are all out to spoil my reputation!

my flower is now a shrivelled up pile of rubber! =(
now now now! random photos time! oh oh! i took this london cab some time back ALL BY MYSELF! woo! it's so fucking big! i was in heaven! =D

don't eavesdrop uncle!

there's even a welcome mat for me! so touched! =')

the seats are so fucking spacious and big! =D

cool shit.

got mirror summor! =D

haha! NTUC funny man. haha.

see? sana uglified my phone. haha.

what's up with you mister? totally 100% gay fag! summor the jeans end at his ankles! ewwwww!!!!!!!

this woman's leg is seriously deformed! eeeeee!!!! i wonder what's wrong! =(

this was the 2nd visit b4 the jab. let's see how it'll look like during the 3rd. hmmm...

hi! i am a big lump of fats!

hahaha! fat baby.

opps! looks like chicky couldn't get through the long jump part and fell flat on his face!

cupcakes! =D
pat torrrrrrr.