Dear Santa,
I think I have been a rather good girl this year. I did attended school, did my work and made new friends. Not to mention, I made all my friends' lives colourful and nice. I am sure they are really happy with me as their friend. No doubt about it. So there is really no need to ask them. And since I
am such a nice and kind girl, I really kinda
demand these few items below.
Because Nokia is being such a bitch about my phone and screwing it up, I think i deserve a brand new phone in the form of a samsung F480. =D

especially the one in pink! so chio so chio! then it can be matchy matchy with my DS! so exciting! =D
dear santa, I know you're in a form of shone for this present. so thank you! =D
admist trying to cheat my mother into buying me a new macbook, i think i really deserve it becasue... i just do!
okok.. because it matches my chioness!


i really want the one with the backup keyboard light! so chio so chio! =D seeing it alone makes me happy! hurhurhur.
lastly, i
really want an ipod touch! just becase!

need i say more?

sigh! chioness is overcoming me.
so all in all, i have been a REALLY good girl lately and chio people needs chio gadgets to match her so it's me!
so please Santa! grant me my wishes! not a lot! 3 only!
p.s. gib specifically wants me to mention him in my letter to you. so here it is. because gib is SUCH a nice guy lending me his laptop to blog now, I really hope that Santa, you'll being him more pink tees for christmas. Thank you. =)