hello world. and so here i am with my zoo/night safari post! i regret not asking isz for the passes cox it is omg so ex! i paid a total for 40 for entry and tram! isz are u reading this?! hahaha!
so yeah. zoo and night safari lei! heavy point is night safari! =D I FINALLY GOT TO GO THERE AGAIN! i've visited the zoo for countless of times i can even memorise where the stupid animals are. but the night safari. WOO! i is heart! even though it is cut throat and the animals are almost the same as the zoo. hurhur.

favourite exhibit in the zoo! =D

so cute right?!

hurhurhur. =D

feeding time!

ahhhh!!! cuteness overload! =DDD

hurhur. even the soft toy also so cute! =D


white rhinooooooooooo

i have no idea what is this.

but i know this is cheetah!
i think. haha! all i know is they make good bags! =D


in your face!

BABOON! HAHAHA! check out the huge mutated ass man. this means that it is super ready to mate! HAHA! serious! no kidding!

aww. you is no want mate. haha.


strong is me!

hurhur! so cute right?! haha!

hello shibaor inuka, whichever you are. haha.

waddup? HAHA!

the kids section changed totally and i is NO LIKE! >=(

help me! haha!

i'm very frustrated when i see this. spoil my whole day. TSK!
below is a series of retarded imitations. haha!

my favourite. HAHA!


end of imitations.

2 points:
1. zoo + tropical crops = no link.
2. no link + blind man in front = more no link.
haha! i
know i am so humorous.

blind man at the zoo!

NIGHT SAFARI TIME! YAY! =DDDDDDD unfortunately it being the night safari, it is kinda hard to take photos of the animals becasue of no flash photography thing. so ya. you can all marvel at my face then. HAHAHA!

eeeee. hahaha.
and so marks the end of my zoo/night safari trip. it was rather fun i must say. hurhur. looking forward to the next time already! =DDDDD
frosty the snowman.