Wednesday, February 25, 2009
school and exams have been taking a toll on my appearance. HAHA. seriously. i just saw my photo from sec 2 on someone else's facebook and MY GOD WAS I SKINNY! what the hell happened to me man. haha. so here's a list of things i would like to get done after i graduate... in like a day's time. =D
- get a manicure... or maybe paint it myself since i did my toes while studying for masina. haha!
- go on a VERY VERY strict diet... or just see a weight doctor and pop pills. haha.
- SHAVE! oh my freaking god! i'm like a hairy monkey now! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
- pluck my eyebrows. look ma! caterpillars!
okay. that's about it i think. haha. i can't wait to laze around at home, watch my shows, play my games and go out anytime i want! =DDDDDDDDDD
okay i know i should be studying masina now but i can't seem to focus! ARGH! I HATE YOU MASINA!
danced on the moon at 4:59 pm.
Monday, February 23, 2009
like i said, FUCK YOU MASINA! FUCK YOU! esp d***y b**y! LIKE ZOMGWTF! did he fail his english or something? huh huh? his slides are ALL so uncomprehensible and it's not because its sibeh chim or what, it's because his english makes no sense AT ALL! OMGGGGGGGG!
his english is already cmi. then he go and gei kiang sub in words that are totally TOOOO chim for his understanding and made the sentense into one string or nonsense. like wtf? does he not understand the difference between noun and verbs? AND! he likes to put in words that are totally unrelated and makes no sense just to make his slides sound more chim. LIKE HELLO?! DO YOU WANT ME TO PASS MY EXAM A NOT?! try to fucking make sense pls! fuck you man!
to add on to the horror, all his slides compromise of mostly videos (which are NOT embedded and causing my ppt to hang, another fuck you) and photos. content are basically minimal, IRRELEVANT(dating back to 2002?! like hello? are you fucking lazy or what?!) and nonsensical. i swear it's like he's trying to make us all fail. in comparison, medlaw totally feels like a breeze! shit man! if i fail it's all his fault! MY GOD!
danced on the moon at 5:19 pm.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
sometimes i just want to crawl into a hole and die.
danced on the moon at 1:05 am.
Friday, February 13, 2009
this world is filled with fucktards. fucktards who don't know how to do their job, fucktards who can't seem to shut the fuck up, fucktards who always think they're right, fucktards who don't know how to say sorry and fucktards who
really piss me off.
so yes, this world is filled with fucktards.
danced on the moon at 3:17 pm.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

eat that spoil market docpro pp! i nvr study/watch the docus also can tyco get A+. mcturk secretly loves me. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
danced on the moon at 1:10 am.
final lap.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
hi all! just an update on my workload,mainly just for myself. hurhur.
- final edit (13/2) [call me avid master please.]
- quiz 3 was still manageable even though i hardly studied and only watched 1 out of the 3 docus. haha!
- edit finish my interview (13/2)
- FINAL 3 studio assessments (16/2) [like finally!]
- i just wanna thank everybody for a great job done today even though we had a bit of mistakes here and there! overall it was a great programme! thanks! specially to kristle cox she did a lot and was so stressed over it! thanks babe! =D
- final exam (25/2) [still OMG OMG OMG]
- final exam (26/2) [EVEN MORE OMG OMG OMG]
YES! that is the end of it all! hurhur! and to add to that, i knew all the answers to the tourism test! eat
that stupid tourism! HURHURHUR! *smug laughter continues and fades off*
danced on the moon at 12:18 am.
8 days and counting...
Thursday, February 05, 2009
hello world. my world is currently gloomy with no sign of light at the end. siraj says the songs on my ipod are emo. how apt to how i feel right now. 8 more days till 13 of feburary. 8 more days till i can
maybe take a breather. here's what i still have to do.
DOCPRO: - final edit (13/2) [this is taking up so much of my time now, i feel like an avid pro]
- quiz 3 (9/2) [thank god for me, i got A+ for my previous 2 quizes so I can focus on other things now since it's best 2 of 3]
RADIO:- station proposal (13/2) [i've been spending most of my time on docpro that i rarely have time for radio (group work) and i feel so bad about it. fuck. >=( ]
TVJOURN:- edit finish my 2 reamaining stories (13/2) [frigging STOP procrastinating]
- take in a deep breath for being studio director on 18a (9/2) [please let everything go smoothly!]
- studio assessments (16/2)
MEDLAW:- final exam (25/2) [OMG OMG OMG]
MASINA:- final exam (26/2) [EVEN MORE OMG OMG OMG]
- final test (FRIGGING TMR!)
RAHHHHHH!!!!! stressed is i!!!!! RAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
danced on the moon at 9:47 pm.
you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
`i love you and that's all i really know.
danced on the moon at 11:56 pm.