are we living in the 21st century or 21 A.D.? we live in a world where people still believe in not having pre-marital sex and where everything is god's will, blah blah.
and yes i know this sounds specifically for christians/catholics but before i start commenting on anything, i just wanna say i'm not against any religion whatsoever, i'm just saying out what i feel.
firstly, it's all about sex. i believe almost everybody in the world now engages in pre-marital sex since apparently more and more people are getting knocked up when they're 12. not that i'm saying it is a good thing to be knocked up at such an early age. if you are then... you were asking for it. ever heard of condom?
so anyway, imagine my shock when i heard that people are still absteining from sex before marriage for god. i mean it's really nice and all but... don't people wanna know what they are getting themselves into first?
it's like taking a car out on a test drive or trying a shirt on before buying. you will wanna know if they fit, if you feel good in them, look good in them or simply if you even like them. sex is the same. you will wanna have sex with a person before getting married just to see if you two... fit. not that i'm saying go have sex with any other person, have sex with someone whom you think really might be the one.
a good marriage is usually sustanied with a healthy and awesome sex life. what if after waiting for so long, you find out only after marriage that your sex life sucks. isn't it worse? an unhappy sex life will usually lead to a divorce and isn't that breaking your promise with god too?
so now it is either have sex before marriage and maybe have a happy married life or don't have sex before marriage and have an unhappy marriage that ends up in a divorce. either way, everyone loses, and your vows/promises with god is still broken. so which is more worth it?
as osborne brilliantly pointed out yesterday, people in the past did not have premarital sex because they usually get married at the age of 16 or earlier.. which is like freaking 2000 years ago. so of cox they can act all noble and smug and exclaim to the whole wide world that they're a virgin when they got married.
i mean honestly, what if you never ever get married? would you wanna end up a 30, 40, or even 50 year old virgin? what's worse? giving yourself back to god unopened. AT ALL. are you gonna be happy with yourself or your life then?
maybe you can or maybe you cannot. i guess it really depends on how much faith you have in your religion.
moving on, i absolutely HATE it when people use god as an excuse for everything. we live in the 21st century now where technology and humans are more advanced than before, so why are people still blaming god for everything that has happened or is happening?
whenever shit happens in their lives, they'll say "oh god is doing this to punish me." or "god must be mad at me for doing something wrong.", etc.
when shit happens to people around them, they'll go "she must have been a bad person what's why god is punishing her now, she must repent for her sins." or "god must be unhappy with her", etc.
"oh the econmic crisis is here! the world is coming to an end! god is punishing us!" / "oh another tsunami! the world is coming to an end! god is punishing us!" / "oh a new virus just came out! the world is coming to an end! god is punishing us!"
seriously? FUCK YOU. why does everything HAVE to do with god? why is everything god's will or in god's plan? why can't you just be realistic and admit that you're having an episode of karmic retribution or whatever shit explaination other than god? natural disasters happen every single day for millions of years already and i don't see the world ending then. neither are they called god disasters. they are called NATURAL for a reason.
seriously, i feel very sad for god because whatever shit happens, it has to be because of him. and he can't even defend himself because nobody even knows if he is real or not! even religious people can't 100% say that he is real. for all you know, they may be a bunch of looneys that have schizophrenia and refuse to admit it.
olden people (2000 years ago people) use to use god as an excuse because they don't know better. because they are scared. they have to put the blame on a higher power so that they wouldn't feel so guilty when they go to sleep at night or they'll have an explaination for the unexplainable. they created the image of god to make them feel better and every freaking person in the world is doing that, which is why there are so many relgions in the world.
but that was like 452897942307 years ago! we live in a modern world now where science and medicine are the answers to many of the unexplainable things that happen in the past and not god. we cannot live the same way as people in the past do, we're smarter than that. so my question is, how can we as perfectly normal human beings living in the 21st century not believe in science and reasoning but in god? for our whole life we have been taught facts and figures and we have learned to be realistic but how with knowing all these knowledge and facts, can we still think god is real and therefore blame everything onto him?
i don't know, maybe someday, when i finally hear god's calling and convert to a christian, i'll have to eat my words. but till then, if you're a christian and you die and you find out that heaven and god is all just a conspiracy to keep people in the past to stfu, then well.. i told you so and orh bi quack. haha. and fuck you for the constantly telling me that i am going to hell.
so in the end my question still remains. are we really intellectually more advanced human beings living in the 21st century or are we people that are secretly stuck in the 21 A.D. refusing to move on?