the moment i signed on to msn today i saw this...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! omfg! chio kao peng know! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! in case you do not know wtf i'm talking about, here's the analysis.
mj = mj
therefore the equation adds up to
yongxi needs mj (exclaimation marks wor).
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! omg. hurhur. this is a SYOGOC SPV joke so if you still don't know it is okay. haha.
okay moving along, imma blog with pictures! yes i know, finally. haha. but before i start just let me clarify that today's entry will not be as wordy or as funny because it's late, my brains are not listening to me and i have no inspiration. yes yes, i know you all are all very disappointed that i never use my 贱嘴 for very long already esp kim, but fear not, i have tons of random photos to blog about the next time. and yes i have sibeh a lot of guai lan pp to talk about so don't worry. you'll be entertained next time. haha.
imma backtrack to valentine's first. haha. and yes i am aware that was 4 months ago. DON'T JUDGE ME!

and yes i received the cliché chocolates with the totally cliché i love you ribbon but I LIKE so you is no judging again!

and yes, we totally went to the botanic gardens cox i wanted to so shush! but.. i totally regretted my decision cox you know.. i'm not a sporty person and i hate walking and we turned back after walking for like 20 mins. HAHA! u is no judging me again!


at least i got to see the swans. T.T

<3 =)
oh! i went to henderson wave the other month! =D

hello monkey! =D

we celebrated seow ling's birthday 2 months ago by going to her house to surprise her at midnight with her cake. haha. see idiotFOO? friends also can have surprise one okay?! not only gf!

we fully exploited her xbox. haha. and yes, i know i look damn sat. HAHAHAHA!
i is tell you, my friends don't love me anymore. they is all judging me! you see what this nicole say!

really. T.T haha!

judgmental suspicious piece of mail! i is no likey you anymore! *cries and runs away*
sigh. they is really no love me anymore... before u go and think i is a loser, you should see this...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! u see kym? when you least expect it, karma will bite you on your backside. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!