hello! midterm was today! sibeh awesome. i only manage to study the night before so i had to cram the 46325427651 pages of notes into my small little brain within the night. YAY! how fun was that?! T.T there was just TOO many things to cover, i was still awake at 5am this morning. coolios! then i couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep for like 2 hours and got up at 7am to FUCKING STUDY AGAIN. FUCK THIS SHIT! RAHHHH! the best part is i had 2 papers today and i only manage to KIND OF finish studying for one. I totally had no time for the 2nd paper. weee! awesome right? so in the end i went for the 2nd paper totally unprepared! woo! most awesome is me! haha! but luckily i is a mass comm + lit student. my most powderful skill is to smoke and therefore i think i manage to smoke my way through with a tad bit of common sense. hurhurhur. YES I AM VERY PROUD OF MY SMOKING SKILLS. hehehe! one last paper coming next wed! I CAN DO THIS! woo!
the ONLY highlight of my fucking long, tiring, brain-sucking night last night was when me n kenneth went for midnight snacks at like 1 plus in the morning. HURHURHUR! we went to raid 7-11 and i had ice cream! awesome sinful i know but its naissss! =D BUT! no say me okay that crazy person bought like $9.30 worth of stuff home to pig out on. this one then is really call win. haha! literally raid the store. ha. and if you think i am crazy geeky studying like that, this person over here literally didn't sleep AT ALL. he was just mugging and mugging the whole night through. and if he didn't call me at 7, i would still be sleeping and totally missed my paper. haha! oh and can i add that HE WAS STILL MUGGING ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL ON THE BUS! like seroiusly wtf? i see i also stress lo. no wonder he's the A student. haha! he literally knew ALL the answers to the papers lo. bastard. ha.
so anyway! TODAY WAS TRAINING VENUE AOP! WOO! excited like fuck lei! hehe! i also dunno i so excited for what. also not i present. haha. but yes, to see something you worked SO hard on finally get approved, the feeling is damn song and exciting. hurhurhur! I AM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR WING AND ELLANN! =DDDDD weeeee!!! so yes, i went back to office today after STUPID EXAMS to give ellann my moral support and to see our baby finally getting approved! hurhur! our months of hard work finally paid off! it's really a damn song feeling. thinking about it now makes me high again. haha! =D oh and ellann's birthday was 2 days ago and his wife just gave birth to a baby girl not long ago too! i feel so excited for him sia. hehe!

here's my fav boss in red looking belly serious in the meeting. very blur i know. camera no good is lidat.
below are clearer shots of him and our division from the one year count down. chris secretly kept them till today. haha.

the most loving couple in SPV. check out how happy they look, esp jason. HAHA! oh and i think my face here is damn awesome chio. woo! HAHAHAHA!

here's my boss with his favourite intern. haha! i swear this is what i go by in the office. SIGH! just looking at this photo makes me sad! o hair, where art thou?

ellann & cat.

omg kym! your one second of fame! haha!

SPV at chris's wedding. =) i see my long hair again. T.T
moving along! celebrated huixin's and shangyi's birthday with the girls on sunday night at heeren's shokudo!

happy birthday! =D
I have no idea when did i become the designated gift giver every year. T.T

hui xin.

shang yi.

seow ling. she looks so much like her brother here, it's scary. ha.

susanna shee shi min. so happy. haha.

my girls. =) and why do i still manage to look fat here?! sigh! tu lan.
anyway, I WANNA GO US! there's this interterm course in chapman orange and basically we'll be going over for 1 month to take a module in the orange campus and it's really interesting! but the whole thing will cost around SGD$3000. but this is not the heavy point! the heavy point is there's this summer in LA programme where we get to spend our summer holiday in LA where we will be interning in film companies for 3 whole months! SO COOL RIGHT?! cb the whole thing will cost around SGD$10,000 AT LEAST lo. best. SIGH! o money, where art thou?
random photos time!

SERIOUSLY. the person who bought these flowers and thought of arranging them like that ought to be shot. a million times and over. totally wtf. worst i've ever seen. the flowers aren't even really flowers. woo!

this black cat was just lying on its back like some lazy pig when sl send me home on sunday! and yes, it's just a huge mass of black. haha. so irritating yet so cute at the same time! ha!
below are case studies of retardedness:
1. kelda chai mei zi

HAHA! so vulgar this person. tsk tsk tsk.

2. kenneth hu jia jian

ning summor lo ning. haha! don't think your chinese ai zai then can lidat k? haha! and 都几岁的人了 still refuse to change that irritating nickname of his. summor still action action got bracket plus big letter small letter know! best! haha! anyway, can any of you honestly tell me you heard of this phrase before?! it's like damn super chim la! still hai me go and google this phrase just to find out that it just means the person is sleepy. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE LINK WITH SLEEPING AND FINDING THIS RETARDED ZHOU PERSON FOR CHESS YOU SAY YOU SAY?! tskkkkkk! tu lan. ha.
3. kym lee yi yuin

HAHAHA! stupid retarded cheena pok you. NAH. YOUR FEW SECONDS OF FAME. WHOLE convo copy and paste k! summor got your photo in front know! see! i treat you good not? hahaha!

okay, i shall now leave you all with my super awesome chio photo. MUAHAHAHA!
double reversal.