so so so! it's the last day of Jan 2010 and i have effectively avoid blogging seriously for a month. hurhur. INTERTERM IS FINALLY OVER BABY! WOO! :DDDD but here's the bummer - school officially starts TO-FREAKING-MORROW! ZOMGWTF #!@$@*$! yes, life sucks. what sucks even more is i have a 4 day week while my friends have 3. even more zomgwtf. ARGHHH! ANGRY! BAHHHH!!!! but anyway, if i manage to get the job at SYOGOC, my current timetable is more ideal for me SO I BETTER FUCKING GET IT! RAH! hahaha
interterm is over and you know what this means? this means the orange people are leaving! no actually, THEY LEFT! I ISH UBER SADS NAO! NO MORE CUTE ANG MORS TO GAWK AT! SAD!!!! life is back to being very sad at chapman. sadgirl1989! LE SIGH! but on the bright side... WELCOME BACK YOUJIN and all the other people! :DDDDD esp youjin since he's gonna dish about all ze ang mors over at orange! weeee!!! hurhurhur.
anyway! january has been a very eventful month and i ish have tons of photos and events to blog about so brace yourself for photos overload! hurhurhur!
in january alone, 3 of my lovelies celebrated their birthdays. it's no wonder i am fucking broke nao. VEH SAD ONE. but anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSI, CHAR AND KENNETH! :DDDDDD hope you all had an awesome day! :) so here's photos from ze birthday!
hello you! you're very lucky! your birthday was at the beginning of the month and i had enough money then to go and blanjah marche! haha! is your hello kitty balloon still floating? if it is i have GOT to get myself one! haha! and i demand you play our voice recording over and over every night before you go to bed and hug the bear to sleep! haha! well, this is only the 8th birthday that we've celebrated together, there's still many more to come bestie 1314! haha! :D
check out the massive amount of food we ordered. no wonder i'm broke. haha!

obviously ming liang's only focus in life is his food.

ze birthday girl with her awesome hello kitty balloon. trust me, bringing it to town all the way from tpy wasn't an easy feat. we each had to take turns carrying it so it wouldn't be
that embarrassing! haha!
somebody's happy. haha.
doreen tan is just very touched.

here's osborne slying looking at what ml is reading. at first, i thought he was just happy hence the expression. but after blowing the photo up, i realise that his eyes were just too small. HAHA!

here's the 2 of them looking absolutely bored while we cam whore. haha! ml is holding his gf's a.k.a. doreen's hp, snapping away at EVERY SINGLE THING. i swear. below is all the proof you need.
so sweet, first thing he take is her. haha! and yes, she' using my phone as a mirror. very good.
as you can see, my camwhoring skills are not half bad. hurhur.

sexy beast.

touched again.

and when he's suppose to take properly, he can't. VERY GOOD MING LIANG. give you 2 stars. haha.

see the dreamy effect? that's cause my lens was dirty. HAHAHA!

much cleaner lens.

wassup with your face ml. WHAT. IS. UP. haha!

karma for not smiling properly just now.

jessi's AWESOME winnie the pooh film! AND NO SIN, HE IS NOT A FAGGOT BEAR! DON'T INSULT! ha!
when are we going to watch valentine's day?! hurhurhur! too bad my butt hurt and you had to leave early, if not we could've hang out longer and went with sarah and rachel to L4D2! ha. you better use our handmade calendar okay! made of our TLC! hurhurhur! :D

here's sarah looking
very sexy at the table.

everybody say hi to kelda, another sexy beast. go town wear until lidat. i give her 2 stars too. ha.

rachel is very happy with herself. you know why? cause she managed to stick the fake plant into sarah's pocket. VERY GOOD RACHEL. very good. haha!

see? i also can be veh sexy one.

my chicken which totally sucked. see the sauce? BLACK SOY SAUCE. veh nice. summor so many veggies! ANGRY!

nom nom brownie and tiramisu. :D

somebody's greedy.

our awesome present to her.


somebody is obviously very happy at her surprise present! :D

TADAH! our homemade "charlendar"! awesome right?! the cover is very awesome too. HAHA!

here's a sneak peek at our awesomeness.

this woman play until a photo came off. nice. haha.

SUMMOR DUNNO HOW TO USE THE GLUE! even nicer! hence my expression. haha!

bunny! :D

sad to say, your birthday, unlike jessi's is right at the end of the month which = a VERY VERY bad time financially. so.. sorry couldn't blanjah you! MAYBE next year! haha! but at least this year got discount and you finally got your virgin sizzler experience! haha! :D

this corn is very significant. you know why?

cause this idiot really went to the salad bar and took ONE corn.
ONE. very nice. it's so retarded and unbelievable that for once, i don't know what to say. summor still attempt to CUT the frigging corn with the knife! FOR WHAT YOU TELL ME?! very good. sat. i like. 2 thumbs for you kaydash!

as you can see, we're very extreme people. first we attempt to cut one frigging corn, next we open our present with a knife. nais.

happy chinese new year! haha!

someone's very happy with his new wallet.

old vs. new. not much of a difference is there? haha!

but there is! his old wallet is really cmi. but too bad we couldn't find a chio wallet
with a coin pouch. the ones with also really cmi. SO YOU JUST HAVE TO MAKE DO! hurhurhur.

and being the nice people we are, we naturally forced him to switch in front of us. haha!
so while waiting for him to be done with the switching, i was happily snapping away at that direction generally and the following photos i took reminded me of my name is earl.
earl hickey.

HAHAHAHA! notice the similarities? i swear i honestly didn't take these on purpose! it's just so nice that every photo your eyes are closed! haha! super like my name is earl! haha! very cute mind you. haha.
k lah. don't say don't have. here's a nice decent photo of you with the switched new wallet!

NAIS. :D and apparently somebody owes that boy money. ha.

man actually takes decent photos for a guy. not bad, i am impressed man!

the man in person. some how my friends are all very sexy one.

like i said. sexy~ haha!

i actually like this photo a lot! it cracks me up every time! hahaha!

sexy beasts.

we're such a sweet couple. :D

k lah. give you nice nice one. hehe!

opps. someone got bored while we camwhored.

"can i go home now?"

very bored indeed.
opps. busted. hurhur.
k lah, here are some nice photos of ze birthday boy.
sweet couple no.2.

very nice atiqah. very nice. ha.

everybody loves kungfu panda! :D

mummy! my guy friend is sexier than me! ahhhh!!! *runs away crying*
so that's all for the birthdays of the month! now time for the other events that happened in jan - steamboat and my cousin's wedding! :D
so we awesome chapman people had a new year steamboat at my house at the beginning of this month and it was awesomeeee!!! SIN IS AN AWESOME COOK! i want to hire youuuu!!! hahaha! it's true. i rikes your food. :D

i don't think we ate a lot. haha!

awesome chef and bf. :)

nom nom nom.

cook no.2 is cooking veggies. :D

everyone's happy! :D
we're happy awesome people. :)
you see sin? got many many of your photos! veh cool one! haha. and i just realise we never take group photos! why is that! unhappy! next time we must! :D
attended my cousin's wedding not long ago which happened to fall on the same day as my godfather's birthday! :( that means not only did i have to miss out on an awesome dinner with my godfamily, i also missed out on a chance to see my uber cute godnephew! life is very unfair! :(

on ze way.

my brother is veh hamsum one.

after a long treacherous ride...

we're finally there!


and because i am cruel, i love shark's fin too. hurhurhur.

ooo i ish LOVEEEEE fishy too! FISHYYYY!!! *shakes bag*

hi mummy and daddy.

nothing to do in the car ma. camwhore lo.


sian! my face is my sister's x2 lo! BAH!